Paul Admin replied

635 weeks ago

So after claiming Kur I get accussed of pos hacking. each time i claim i get more fun tells…

Hauleubond>> pos hacking pos
>>Hauleubond : boohoobaby back for more lol
Hauleubond>> no calling gm though

Paulu : omgz pos hacks! q.q
Paulu : let me just use my magic bottle of haxPaulu uses a bottle of sprinter's drink.
(Zafira) pos hacker!Hauleubond>> lol now your ????ed
Hauleubond>> ban stick ï'You can have this.ï(

>>Hauleubond : hook me up with a scythe proc bro
Hauleubond>> gfu
>>Hauleubond : poor zafira :/ you're so mean even to the ladies

Hauleubond>> ill see ya in a few months after you get the stick
Hauleubond>> see i got decent gear without being a cheating ????
>>Hauleubond : highly doubt that
Hauleubond>> you may have decent gear but in the end your still a cheater
>>Hauleubond : in the end you're a very angry person. you need to focus your chi or somethin
Hauleubond>> im not agry at all just dont like cheaters
Hauleubond>> right up there with drug dealers and rapest>>Hauleubond : drama queen much?
>>Hauleubond : thats downright offensive to ppl who've been raped

Hauleubond>> lol your so banned
>>Hauleubond : you sound like those 8yr olds on xbox live… so annoying lol
Hauleubond>> no i just hate cheaters all your ï'Nyzul Isleï( gear is just hax not even worth my dogs shit

>>Hauleubond : dont worry, this is our last. then you and your army can take'em all
Hauleubond>> still dont matter your gonna be banned and im gonna laugh
>>Hauleubond : yep, gonna get banned because it popped in front of me 3-4 times
Hauleubond>> that time it didnt lol
Hauleubond>> i watched you hack ya pos
>>Hauleubond : you're seeing what you want to see
Hauleubond>> freaking cheaters never win they tried it before and eventually got banned and i hope your ass is next
>>Hauleubond : you're a broken record. if you're just gonna loop the same nonsense dont /tell me
>>Hauleubond : or i can just blist you
Hauleubond>> lol now your mad because ya cheat
>>Hauleubond : im not mad. you're just not entertaining me anymore :/
Hauleubond>> i would be ashamed
Hauleubond>> you and your dipshit shell talks shit about ppl but only way ya do anything is cheating
>>Hauleubond : I've never talked anything. you start cussing up a storm cuz you're an 8yr xbox live kid
Hauleubond>> i took you off my blist because i was giving you the benifit of the doubt but ill put ya back on
>>Hauleubond : plz do

Keyera member replied

634 weeks ago


Zidian member replied

634 weeks ago

hahaha ya this guy put me on his Blist for claiming his aademek AFTER his pt wiped
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