Maybe try a few 5x NM kills in Morimar, and work our time down til we start finding ourselves face to face with the boss? From the BG Delve Thread (group who killed all 5 NMs + Boss with 10+ mins to spare) :
I hated when people posted numbers and talked about winning just hinting at stuff, so here it is.
Raptor - stun as much as you can. No magic damage, including magic damage debuffs. Zerg. Slow/Para/Blind/Elegy are ok.
Matamata - PLD hold while you kill other 1/2 mobs, sleep above mobs if they aren't dead by 7th TP move. Zerg at 7th TP move.
Peiste - keep blinded, all DD in front, stun as much as you can. Zerg Kurma - Stun as much as you can, use Geo-Languor and dispel harden shell everytime.
Denore member replied
612 weeks ago